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Yukon Journey donations, #2 of 7
With a nod to Malone Auto Racks, our second donation went to the White Mountain Swift Water Rescue Team. This team is based in North Conway, New Hampshire, and consists of about 25 members and includes a variety of professions and interests, ranging from educators, fire/rescue personnel, kayak/raft guides and instructors, forest service employees, tech firms, etc. They also have some non-paddling members with skills and experience in backcountry navigation, medicine, and support logistics. In addition to their home-state rescue work, it was also really cool that members of the team went south to help the public during the 2018 Hurricane Florence emergency in the Carolinas. Thanks to this group for all they do!
As part of the planes, trains and automobiles nature of the Yukon Journey, we drove from central Wisconsin to as far northwest as the Yukon River Camp on the Dalton Highway (and back), a journey of some 12,000 miles. We used a Malone Microsport trailer for about 10,000 miles of the trip.